Act sample essay
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Fail States free essay sample
Country states come up short since they are writhed by inward brutality and can not, at this point convey positive political merchandise to their occupants. Their legislatures lose authenticity, and the very idea of the specific country state itself gets ill-conceived in the eyes and in the hearts of a developing majority of its residents. The ascent and fall of country states isn't new, yet in a cutting edge time when national states establish the structure squares of genuine world request the brutal crumbling and obvious shortcoming of chose African, Asian, Oceanic, and Latin American states undermine the very establishment of that framework. Universal associations and large powers thusly wind up sucked lamentably into a bedlam of anomic inward clash and untidy philanthropic help. Attractive worldwide standards, for example, strength and consistency accordingly become hard to accomplish when such a significant number of the globe’s more up to date country states falter problematically among shortcoming and disappointment, with some really falling flat, or in any event, crumbling. We will compose a custom exposition test on Bomb States or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page In a period of fear, also, valuing the idea of and reacting to the elements of country state disappointment have gotten integral to basic approach discusses. How best to reinforce feeble states and forestall state disappointment are among the dire inquiries of the twenty-first century. This book analyzes contemporary instances of country state breakdown and disappointment. 1 It sets up clear standards for recognizing breakdown and disappointment from conventional shortcoming or obvious trouble, and breakdown from disappointment. It further breaks down the idea of state shortcoming and advances reasons why some powerless states capitulate to disappointment, or breakdown, and why others in apparently more fixed conditions stay frail and in danger while never destructing. Describing bombed states is therefore a significant and applicable undertaking, particularly in light of the fact that the wonder of state disappointment is under-investigated, up to this point with loose definitions and a lack of forcefully contended, enlightening, and very much portrayed cases. Further, seeing precisely why feeble states slide toward disappointment will assist policymakers with designing techniques to forestall disappointment and, in the instances of states that by the by fall flat (or breakdown), to restore them and aid the revamping procedure. States are considerably more fluctuated in their ability and capacity than they used to be. They are more various than they were 50 years back, and the scope of their populace sizes, physical gifts, riches, efficiency, conveyance frameworks, desire, and accomplishments is substantially more broad than any time in recent memory. In 1914, in the wake of the disintegrating of the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian domains, there were fifty-five perceived national commonwealths. In 1919, there were fifty-nine countries. In 1950, that number had arrived at sixty-nine. After ten years, after the achievement of freedom in a lot of Africa, ninety were countries. After a lot progressively African, Asian, and Oceanic domains had gotten autonomous, and after the implosion of the Soviet Union, the quantity of countries bounced to 191; East Timor’s freedom in 2002 carried that aggregate to 192. Given such dangerous numbers, the innate delicacy of a large number of the newcomers (fifteen of Africa’s fifty-four states are landlocked), and the natural navigational risks of the postâ€Cold War financial and political territory, the chance of disappointment among a subset of the absolute remains ever present. Quality and Weakness Nation-states exist to give a decentralized strategy for conveying political (open) merchandise to people living inside assigned boundaries (outskirts). Having supplanted the rulers of old, present day states center and answer the worries and requests of populaces. They arrange and channel the interests of their kin, regularly yet not solely in advancement of national objectives and qualities. They cushion or control outer powers and impacts, champion the nearby or specific worries of their disciples, and intercede between the imperatives and difficulties of the global field and the dynamism of their own inward monetary, political, and social real factors. States succeed or bomb over all or a portion of these measurements. In any case, it is as indicated by their performanceâ€according to the degrees of their viable conveyance of the most significant political goodsâ€that solid states might be recognized from feeble nes, and frail states from fizzled or fallen states. Political products  are those elusive and difficult to evaluate claims that residents once made on sovereigns and now make on states. They include desires, possibly commitments, illuminate the neighborhood political culture, and together offer substance to the implicit agreement among ruler and decided that is at the center of system/government and populace associations. 2 There is a chain of command of political products. None is as basic as the flexibly of security, particularly human security. People alone, only in uncommon or specific conditions, can endeavor to make sure about themselves. Or then again gatherings of people can unite as one to compose and buy products or administrations that expand their suspicion that all is well and good. Customarily, and as a rule, nonetheless, people and gatherings can only with significant effort or viably substitute private security for the full range of open security. The state’s prime capacity is to give that political great of securityâ€to forestall cross-fringe intrusions and invasions, and any loss of domain; to dispense with local dangers to or assaults upon the national request and social structure; to forestall wrongdoing and any related threats to household human security; and to empower residents to determine their questions with the state and with their kindred occupants without plan of action to arms or different types of physical intimidation. The conveyance of a scope of other attractive political merchandise becomes conceivable when a sensible proportion of security has been continued. Present day states (as replacements to sovereigns) give unsurprising, unmistakable, arranged strategies for mediating debates and controlling both the standards and the overall mores of a specific culture or nation. The pith of that political great typically suggests codes and methods that together establish an enforceable standard of law, security of property and sacred agreements, a legal framework, and a lot of qualities that legitimize and approve the neighborhood rendition of reasonable play. Another key political great empowers residents to take an interest unreservedly, transparently, and completely in governmental issues and the political procedure. This great includes the basic opportunities: the option to vie for office; regard and backing for national and territorial political foundations, similar to governing bodies and courts; resilience of dispute and distinction; and major common and human rights. Other political products commonly provided by states (despite the fact that privatized structures are conceivable) and expected by their populaces incorporate clinical and medicinal services (at different levels and costs); schools and instructive guidance (of different sorts and levels)â€the information great; streets, railroads, harbors, and other physical infrastructuresâ€the corridors of trade; correspondences frameworks; a cash and banking framework, for the most part directed by a national bank and greased up by a national money; an advantageous monetary and institutional setting inside which residents can seek after close to home pioneering objectives and possibly thrive; the advancement of common society; and techniques for managing the 4 ROBERT I. ROTBERG sharing of the ecological lodge. Together, this heap of political products, generally rank arranged, builds up a lot of rules as indicated by which current country states might be passed judgment on solid, frail, or f izzled. Solid states clearly perform well over these classes and as for each, independently. Feeble states show a blended profile, satisfying desires in certain territories and performing inadequately in others. The more inadequately feeble states perform, rule by measure, the more vulnerable they become, and the more that shortcoming will in general edge toward disappointment, consequently the subcategory of shortcoming that is named coming up short. Many bombed states fail every one of the tests sketched out above. Be that as it may, they need not fail every one of them to bomb generally speaking, especially since fulfilling the security great weighs vigorously, and significant levels of interior brutality are related straightforwardly with disappointment and the inclination to come up short. However, viciousness alone doesn't condition disappointment, and the nonattendance of brutality doesn't really suggest that the state being referred to isn't fizzled. It is important to pass judgment on the degree to which a whole coming up short or bombed profile is less or more than its segment parts. Solid states irrefutably control their regions and convey a full range and a high caliber of political products to their residents. They perform well as per markers like GDP per capita, the UNDP Human Development Index, Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index, and Freedom House’s Freedom of the World Report. Solid states offer significant levels of security from political and criminal viciousness, guarantee political opportunity and common freedoms, and make conditions helpful for the development of financial chance. The standard of law wins. Judges are free. Street systems are all around kept up. Phones work. Snail mail and email both show up rapidly. Schools, colleges, and understudies thrive. Medical clinics and facilities serve patients viably. Etc. By and large, solid states are puts in of advantageous harmony and request. Powerless states incorporate an expansive continuum of states that are: intrinsically feeble in light of geological, physical, or essential financial limitations; fundamentally solid, however incidentally or situationally frail as a result of inner insect
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Of Mice And Men Essays (894 words) - English-language Films
Of Mice And Men By and large, I considered the Mice and Men film was fabulous and done by Gary Sinise. Gary Sinise is the chief of the film and furthermore assumes the job of George. This film was made in 1992, and for a genuinely old film it is pleasant. I feel that the film is at an a lot more significant level in diversion than the book it was gotten from. In the film you can really observe and hear things that you presumably would not get on to in the book. For instance there are the facial articulations from the capable entertainers and on-screen characters. The music soundtrack Of Mice and Men is all around made. At the absolute starting point of the film, a lively mind-set was set in the crowd when we saw Lennie and George fleeing from these men who were pursuing them. I particularly loved the wonderful way the music is old style, which is engaging all age gatherings and sexual orientations. The music was an immense piece of the film; it set the temperament for the scene the crowd was seeing. The instruments utilized in the tunes were successful, for example, the violin. The setting in the film was similarly as it was portrayed in the book. The time setting of the story happens during the 1930s, when there is the Great Depression. It appears to happen in the southern piece of the United States, due to the expanded ethnic strains we find in the film. For instance there is Crooks, who is disconnected from every other person in view of the shade of his skin. Likewise, the garments worn by the entertainers were exceptionally consistent with the time allotment. The crowd can all things considered feel that they are back in that timeframe by watching this film. The garments worn by Lennie and George indicated that they were not wealthy, as were most of the populace during the Great Depression. In the film, the entertainers were awesome. In scenes the crowd would get passionate. A model is when Carlson shoots Candy's old pooch, and Candy rests on the bed and hurls what's more, turns in torment. In the film, I really felt thoughtful for Curley's better half since she appeared to consistently be the person in question. This is something I had not felt in the book. Likewise, the absolute last scene when George shoots Lennie and afterward he begins to cry. From multiple points of view the film is fundamentally the same as the book. Directly from the start of the film you can see that Lennie has a psychological maladjustment, and George is dealing with him like a dad. Additionally, you can tell that George gets restless with Lennie various occasions and that he gets disappointed without any problem. The character's talks were extremely solid in language, much the same as the addresses were in the novel. The characters in the film are actually similar to their book partners. Lennie is enormous and massive, while George is little with a tanned face. In the film, Lennie is totally obsessed with hares, if not more than in the book. All through the film we see over and over how much Lennie thinks about bunnies, he says various occasions, An' I get the chance to tend the hares! Whenever he says that you can see the glimmer in his eye. Thin is very much regarded, and he acts and dresses like he is the best without being a hotshot. We get this inclination that Curley OWNS his better half and pushes her around. This is obvious when we really observe him shouting at her to return home where she has a place, and shutup, I wasn't conversing with you! Also, Curley's better half tells George and Lennie outside the horse shelter one night how Curley broke every one of her records since she would charge ten pennies for a move. Like most films got from books, there are numerous distinctions. In the absolute starting point of the film we see why George and Lennie are fleeing. They are fleeing since Lennie had coincidentally annoyed a young lady by taking hold of her dress and not relinquishing it. In the film I had felt that George just dealt with Lennie in light of the fact that he needed to, not on the grounds that he needed to. Despite the fact that George had guaranteed Lennie's Aunt Clara to think about him, he didn't appear to appreciate it one bit. This was obvious when George kicks Lennie a few times when he was drinking water saying to not drink
Friday, August 21, 2020
Custom Essay Writing Samples From As Seen On TV
Custom Essay Writing Samples From As Seen On TVFrom as little as a click, we can get access to the many quality custom essay writing samples from As Seen On TV. Through this website, writers can browse samples of their own writing and even get insight on their type of writing. We can see that most of the sample essays available are from professionals and that they come from established colleges or universities.If you have a business degree, then you can find a lot of custom essay writing samples available on the website. You can also find topics for your essays from As Seen On TV. We all know that businesses and companies are more into research than writing business related essays, but it's good to have a little of both.When students visit the website for business college or universities, they will be able to find samples for their essays on business issues. This site can also give information on various types of business degrees such as accounting, engineering, teaching, and law deg rees. This is a valuable resource for students who are looking for custom essay writing samples from As Seen On TV.These websites also offer advice on how to write your admissions essays. To make sure that you are applying for the right college, it's important to know what type of essays to submit and which schools may be a good fit for you. You can find advice on writing for each of the three sections: research, personal statement, and essay.You'll learn about creating your overall composition, style, and the types of topics to use. These tips can help you create an essay that is both professional and informative. Your essay is what you write about in your application, so it is essential that you have a good grasp on the proper forms of writing.For those who own a business, it is also important to know what type of writers to use in order to construct an essay that people will be impressed with. By taking a look at the resource that you have available, you can find a comprehensive review of the type of writers you should avoid, as well as the ones that are necessary. The As Seen On TV custom essay writing samples can help you find the best writers to use for your essay writing needs.Finally, when you take a look at the many custom essay writing samples available on the website, you can also find tips on how to research topics. You should know that there are two ways to research: by yourself or through the assistance of professionals. You should determine which one works best for you before you begin writing.When you have a well-crafted essay and research topic for your essay, you will be able to show off your personality through your custom essay writing samples. With the help of these tutorials, you can find the techniques that will help you write essays that will be useful to other people. Knowing the techniques that work best for you is important, especially if you want to do well in school.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Knowledge Is A Complex, Time Consuming Process - 1371 Words
There are many definitions for knowledge. One common definition is â€Å"human faculty resulting from interpreted information; understanding that germinates from combination of data, information, experience, and individual interpretation (â€Å"Knowledge†).†Knowledge is gained when a person discovers new information; however, knowledge is more intricate and meaningful than plain information. Knowledge includes a variety of aspects such as: awareness, familiarity, understanding gained through experience or study, and results from making comparisons, identifying consequences, and making connections (â€Å"What is Knowledge?†). The production of knowledge is a complex, time consuming process. For knowledge to be produced, a person must first think of an idea, and then decide to further pursue it. Knowledge is produced by a person as a response to and as a reflection of one s own or others experiences, ideas, and information. Knowledge is relative to a social frame of reference, meaning that it is both social and personal, and both objective and subjective at the same time. Knowledge is a part of the process of daily life, yet it includes moments of detachment and reflection. It is both a belief and a potential for action. Knowledge aims for socialization and externalization. It grows and expands further by overcoming and incorporating the responses from external resources, and by undergoing the necessary modifications and improvements in itself. A person’s knowledge both influences and isShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Critical Thinking On College Education1030 Words  | 5 Pagespractices that test factual knowledge using papers and tests and providing feedback on the students work by commenting on a paper have been preferred modes of assessing students’ knowledge. However, post assignment feedback provided is of not much to students. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Questionnaire On Coffee Preferences On Jackson Street Essay
†¢ Differing reasons for responding to the questionnaire can lead to data inaccuracies, for example some respondents might see your topic in a very positive light, whereas some may be against it. Application to the case study A street questionnaire about coffee preferences on Jackson Street might yield useful data, particularly if participants are rewarded with a chocolate fish. After having surveyed the amount of foot traffic in Jackson Street during normal business hours, this method might then help to answer our second objective â€Å"2. To find out if the quantity of foot traffic will translate into a profitable income for a new coffee shop.†An example of a questionnaire that Potential Traders Ltd could use in this research project is: Focus Groups Definition â€Å"A focus group is a common qualitative research method used by companies for marketing purposes. A focus group typically consists of a small number of participants, usually around six to twelve, from within a company s target market. The consumers are brought together and led through discussions of important company and brand topics by a moderator.†(SmallBusiness, n.d.) Researchers will usually design the focus group based on the research question. There are four main characteristics researchers consider when designing focus groups: 1. The level of moderator control- Depending on the topic and the participants the moderator may be highly involved in the discussion, or they may have virtually no involvement andShow MoreRelatedCOMM292 Case Studies23202 Words  | 93 Pagesbackgrounds in finance or economics. I’ll start with Tom Giffen, who was a self-professed introvert and who was passionate about the Chicago Cubs baseball team. Professionally, prior to business school, Griffin worked as a financial analyst on Wall Street for a few different firms. 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Answer: B Page Ref: 16 Objective: 4 Difficulty: Moderate 48) What are customer touch points? A) all aspects of the offering that directly affect consumer preferences B) all needs and wants of customers C) all direct or indirect interactions between the customer and the company D) all interactions between customers and competitors E) all factors that affect buying behavior Answer: C Page Ref: 17 Objective:Read MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pagestransmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and theRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 Pagesappropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, website Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774, (201)748-6011, fax (201)748-6008, website To order books or for customer service please, call 1-800-CALL WILEY (225-5945). DeCenzo, David A, Robbins, Stephen P. Fundamentals of Human ResourceRead MoreHuman Resources Management150900 Words  | 604 PagesResource Champions (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1997). 17. Louis R. Forbringer and Carol Oeth, â€Å"Human Resources at Mercantile Bancorporation, Inc.,†Human Resource Management, Summer 1998, 177â€â€189. 18. â€Å"The Missing M A Link,†The Wall Street Journal, October 7, 1997, A1. 19. Dave Ulrich, â€Å"A New Mandate for Human Resources,†Harvard Business Review, January-February 1998, 124â€â€134. 20. Shari Caudron, â€Å"The CEO Needs You: Are You Delivering?†Workforce, June 1997, 63â€â€68. 21. Linda DavidsonRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 Pages279 1. The Value−Based Management Framework: An Overview 2. Why Value Value? 4. The Value Manager Harvard Business Review Finance Articles Eclipse of the Public Corporation 308 308 323 323 330 330 Article How I Learned to Live with Wall Street Article Second Thoughts on Going Public Article Reed−Lajoux †¢ The Art of M A: Merger/Acquisitions/Buyout Guide, Third Edition 10. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The New Age Day Of The Wild - 1045 Words
The new age day of the wild, became the wilder, and now it has become the wildest of the west. Texas lawmakers have in recent years propagated the statewide concept among their constituents here in Texas that open carry under the 2nd amendment has a plausibility toward ameliorating the typology of violence each community has been inundated by. It has brought trepidation into people of walking down a street and getting shot at. The question is? Did the state lawmakers did not cogitate on the consequences of this bill before they determined it to be a safety net, or was it merely an act of provocation of asking for unwarranted trouble by the open carry law? This decision is also racially biased, and only continues to foment the unabating praetorian behaviour of police toward minorities along with women. By the harassment of unjustified stops, the iniquitous line of illicit questions is directed toward minorities, and women alike. However without the attitude that predispos es minorities, and women alike to react irrationally when confronted by the law just because they are carrying a weapon. This bill has a double entendre of what open carry really is. There has been a substantial number of police shootings in Dallas, Texas, Dallas Police Chief David Brown said, We re hurting, in a Friday morning news conference. Our profession isShow MoreRelatedCall Of The Wild : A Zeitgeist Of Naturalism1243 Words  | 5 PagesJack London’s The Call of the Wild is a novel written during the literary era of Naturalism. It is about a pampered dog, Buck, who was thrown into the Alaskan wilderness and becomes part of a team of sled dogs. Eventually, he becomes the leader of a wolf pack. Naturalism takes place during a time in America known as the Gilded Age. During the Gilded Age, the ideas of Social Darwinism take hold. Social Darwinism is â€Å"a t erm scholars use to describe the practice of misapplying the biological evolutionaryRead MoreChimpanzees and Tool Use1322 Words  | 6 Pagesancestor causes humans to be curious about these creatures. As discussed in Jane Goodall’s video Among the Wild Chimpanzees we were once considered to be human because of our use of tools but once we observed these non-human primates using tools, this perception was changed forever. The question now at hand is if having the chimpanzees that we study in captivity makes a difference between studying wild chimps. These interesting creatures can be found naturally in the rainforests of Africa. DevelopmentRead MoreInto the Wild: an Analysis of Who Jack Londonwas to Chris Mccandless1113 Words  | 5 PagesThe Call of the Wild and Wild Fang, both of which Chris McCandless read. The Call of the Wild, which is one of his most read book, and considered one of his best was published in 1903. White Fang was published in 1906. It was first serialized in a magazine before it became a novel. They both have animals as central characters. One returns to the wild and the other comes from the wild. Jack London wrote a lot about survival against the environment. At the age of 17, heRead MoreThe Case Of Sea World1589 Words  | 7 Pagesthe park. The rumor Sea World has advertised to the public is that all creatures are rescued from the wild when injured and taken in to be rehabilitated (Killer Whales In Captivity). Currently, there are no official records of injured whales getting nursed to health but instead the exact opposite (Save The Whales). The killer whales are hijacked from their mothers as infants and taken to their new prison of a home (Killer Whale Controversy). If the thought of being kidnapped can petrify anyone, whyRead MoreAnalysis Of Jon Krakauer s Into The Wild1555 Words  | 7 Pages Jack Sellas Period 2 ERWC Cagley December 9, 2014 Life on the Road? In Jon Krakauer’s Into the Wild, A young man named Chris McCandless decides to escape the annoyance of his current life and live on the road, he pursues an incredible journey of adventure, danger and companionship. McCandless is a narcissist and believes that he can overcome any challenges that he faces because he is independent and is smarter than the average person. Krakauer emphasizes that arrogance will lead to failure in life;Read MoreOrcas in SeaWorld941 Words  | 4 Pagestremendously intelligent, socially complex, and family oriented animals. Studying them in captivity, and at the same time in the wild, we have learned enough about them to realize that orcinus orcas do not belong in captivity and the confinement of these animals is very hurtful. The imprisonment of orcas for human amusement and research leads to aggression, death at an early age and numerous health problems. Orcas exhibit aberrant and aggressive behavior in captivity. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Rock Roll and Its Evil Origins free essay sample
It was like the gun had grease on it. Attentive any control, my body was compelled to do it and I went ahead and shot. Vance survived until November 1988 when he slipped into a coma and died a few days later. His parents took the rock band Judas Priest to court where the lawsuit stated, The suggestive lyrics combined with the continuous beat and rhythmic non-changing intonation of the music combined to induce, encourage, aid, abet and mesmerism the plaintiff into believing the answer to life was death. According to expert witnesses who analyzed the Judas Priest album, both subliminal messages ND back masking were found. They found the subliminal message Do it at least six times. Attorney Kenneth McKenna said, They just literally obeyed the commands of the music, and the lyrics (Watkins 4). From its early stages, rebellion, youth, and anti-establishment have been associated with rock and roll. It possesses suggestive lyrics, black influences and the ability to shock the elders which is what makes it very appealing to the rebellious youth. The Beetles for example were the ones to publicly acknowledge using Cannabis which many fans followed.Drugs are a big part of the rock music lifestyle. As R. U. Sirius writes in Everybody Must Get Stoned: Rock Stars on Drugs: Trying to show a link between rock stars and drugs is like trying to make a link between mouths and tooth decay?too obvious to bother. In his new book, he documents the long-lived collaboration between performers and all manner of mind-altering substances. To get through Japanese customs, Guns n Roses guitarist Size Straddling swallowed his entire stash in one gulp, thereby putting himself into a 96-hour coma. Marijuana enthusiast Paul McCarty got caught trying to sneak pot out of the Land of the Rising Sun in 1980, serving 10 days in jail before being deported. In true stoner fashion, the cute Battle explained that he simply couldnt bear to leave his doable behind because it was such good stuff. Despite his professed love of drugs and rock stars, Sirius says, Lots of good music has been made by people on heroin, he observes. Conversely, lots of good musicians have stopped making music (as well as breathing) because they took heroin. Sirius argues that music and drugs both allow us to get a bit out Of our rational mind[s] and give us a temporary reprieve from our tightly focused, workaday life. In his telling, rock stars are the embodiment of that release and e follow their sometimes self-destructive exploits to seek vicarious thrills (Gillespie). Teenagers today are too easily influenced by rock stars they admire and are fans of. Proof of that is the popularity of tattoos, body piercing, torn and leather clothing, and dramatic hair-dos, etc.The Valley is a very good example of the way rock and roll has impacted fashion, attitudes and even religion. It is not uncommon to see in the Valley people dressed like their favorite rock stars and wanting to live the style they do which include drugs and sex. They wear black clothing, tattoo their bodies and pierce their ace, paint their nails black, just to imitate singers like Marilyn Manson, who proclaims to be the Antichrists. Violence, aggression and rebellion are being hammered into the young crowds minds with many more than subtle messages.According to the book The Emerging Generation, the average teenager consumes six hours a day of rock music. It is their most devoted companion. Ifs their teacher, preacher and guiding light. It dictates every detail of their life, from what they wear to what they believe (Watkins 1). Dry. Paul King, medical director of the adolescent program at Charter Lakeside Hospital in Memphis Tennessee, Says more than 80 percent of his patients are there because of rock music and that the lyrics become a philosophy of life, a religion to the listeners.It is these facts that should open the eyes of those thinking that rock and roll is nothing more than innocent, loud music that elders are trying to eradicate. The issue now has become a matter of life and death, of living a life of quality or drowning in drugs and depression. Parents and teachers should now be aware that this generation is being taught by earphones attached to gadgets that make the downloading of this perverse music as easy as one finger click. There has to be a control on what kids listen too, how much time they spend listening or watching certain content, is this content appropriate for their age?All of these issues should be addressed by the parents if they want to keep the mind of their child safe from unwanted and evil messages. MME, led by aristocrat Sir Joseph Lockwood, stands for Electrical and Mechanical Instruments, and is one of Britains largest producers of military electronics. Martin was director of MIS subsidiary, Persephone. By the mid-sixties MME, now called Thorn MME, created a music division which had grown to 74,321 employees and had annual sales f $3. 19 billion. MME was also a key member of Britains military intelligence establishment.After the war, in 1 945, MIS European production head Walter Legged virtually took over control of classical music recordings, signing up dozens of starving German classical musicians and singers to MME contracts. Musicians, who sought to preserve the performance tradition of Beethoven and Brahms, were relegated to obscurity while ex-Nazi Party members were promoted. Legged signed and recorded Nazi member, the late Herbert Von Karakas, promoting him to superstar Status, while great conductors such as Wilhelm Furtherance were ignored.From the beginning MME created the myth of the Beetles great popularity. In August of 1963, at their first major television appearance at the London Palladium, thousands of their fans supposedly rioted. The next day every mass-circulation newspaper in Great Britain carried a front page picture and story stating, Police fought to hold back 1,000 squealing teenagers. Yet, the picture displayed in each newspaper was cropped so closely that only three or four of the squealing teenagers could be seen. The story was a fraud. According to a photographer on the scene, There were no riots.I was there. We saw eight girls, even less Han eight (Philip Norman, Shout! The Beetles in Their Generation, p. 188). In February 1964, the Beetles myth hit the United States, complete with the orchestrated riots at Kennedy Airport, previously mentioned. To launch their first tour, the media created one of the largest mass audiences in history. For an unprecedented two Sundays in a row, on the De Sullivan Show, over 75 million Americans watched the Beetles shake their heads and sway their bodies in a ritual which was soon to be replicated by hundreds of future rock groups. On returning to England, the Beetles were rewarded by the British aristocracy they served so well. In October 1 965, the four were inducted into the Order Of Chivalry, and Were personally awarded the accolade of Member of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth at Bucking palace. The so-called rock stars are pathetic puppets caught in a much larger scheme. From the moment they receive their first recording royalties, the groups are heavily immerse in drugs. For example, much- admired stars such as John Lennox of the Beetles and Keith Richard of the Rolling Stones, were heroin addicts.Richard had to obtain blood transfusions, replacing his entire heroin-laced blood supply, in order to get a visa to enter the United States (Tony Sanchez, Up and Down With the Rolling Stones p. 31 9). The main ingredient of rock music is repetition. It is very well known that hypnosis is done exactly by this type of method. While under hypnosis, people have little or no control over their actions and many times dont even know what happened when in this state of mind. Nineteen-year-old John McCollum is found shot to death on his bed in Indo, California.Although it was quickly determined that the fatal wound was self-inflicted, McCollum parents believed that singer Oozy Osborne was actually responsible because their son had been listening to Soberness album, Blizzard of Oz, which contains the song, Suicide Solution, when he killed himself. In their lawsuit, McCollum parents claimed that there were hidden lyrics in the song that incited the teenager to kill himself. They claimed that listeners were urged to get the gun and try it, shoot, shoot, shoot. Osborne, a popular star of heavy metal music, responded that Suicide Solution had no hidden lyrics and was actually an anti-suicide composition written about a fellow musician who drank himself to death. Although it is generally legal in the United States to express any viewpoint or linings, it is not legal to directly incite specific and imminent violent actions. But since this standard is hard to prove, virtually every attempt to hold an entertainer responsible for allegedly inciting action has failed (History Chant Nell Website).If music itself does not cause you to commit suicide, what about the worship of the person who creates the music? Thats what happened in the case of grunge icon Kurt Cabin. In April of 1994, the music world was shocked when Kurt Cabin was found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The lead singer of the widely-successful band, Nirvana, Cabin was a heavy user of heroin, and struggled with depression. Nirvanas music could be said to contain dark and de pressive imagery, and Cabin even wrote a song called l Hate Myself and I Want to Die. What was even more shocking was the widespread wave of copycat suicides around the world by Cabins fans afterward. In the days following his death, not only were there a rise in reports of suicide, there was also a significant increase in calls to suicide hotness. There is no reliable report of the number of suicides connected to Cabins, but it has been said that there were at least 65 known asses. The correlation between the two cannot be ignored; there clearly is a link between Cabins suicide, and the rise in suicides and crisis calls that occurred afterward.It is easy to speculate that in the copycat cases, the people who took their own lives Were likely already suicidal, and that the death of Cabin just pushed them over the edge. What we will never know for sure is if Cabin had not killed himself, would those fans have done it eventually anyways? Though not directly related to listening to the music, the idea that someone could have such an impact through their music that when he y chose to commit suicide, many fans would follow suit, is shocking.In the case of any well-publicized suicide of well known person or celebrity, media coverage is reported to have an impact on the increase in suicide rates. Such copycat suicides only strengthen some peoples belief that music can have a negative emotional impact on its listeners, to the point where it can influence them to want to die (Monoclonal). There are many stories like this one who clearly uncover the sinister messages behind this music. It is very common at a heavy-metal rock concert to hear songs that exhort the audience to rape and murder in the name of Satan.The song Demons expresses, We come bursting through your bodies/ Rape your helpless soul/ Transform you into a creature/ Merciless and cold/ We force you to kill your brother/ Eat his blood and brain/ Shredding flesh and sucking bone/ Till everyones insane/ We are pestilent and contaminate/ The world Demonic legions prevail by Rigor Morris. Anyone in their right mind would be terrified to know that their sons and daughters are listening and eagerly absorbing such evil messages. Many elders think to themselves that if we could only go back to the good old days of listening to the innocent music of the Beetles.Modern electronic-rock music, inaugurated in the early sasss is, and always has been, a joint enterprise of British military intelligence and satanic cults. On the one side, the Satanists control the major rock groups through drugs, threats Of violence and even murder (Papua 1). The year 1967 marked a significant escalation in open cultural warfare against the youth of the Ignited States. The year saw the beginning of mass, open-air rock concerts. In the two years which followed, over 4 million young people attended a series of nearly a dozen of these festivals, becoming the victims of planned, wide-scale drug experimentation.Mind destroying hallucinogenic drugs such as PC, SIP, and the Beetles-promoted L SD, were freely distributed at these concerts. These millions of attendees would afterward return to their homes to become the messengers and promoters of the new drug culture, or what came to be called the New Age. The first rock festival, The First Annual Monterey International Pop Festival, was attended by over 100,000 youngsters. The real purpose of Monterey Pop was the widespread distribution of a new type of drugs, classified as psychedelics or hallucinogens, such as LSI.At Monterey, thousands of younger teen-gaggers were introduced to the new allegiances drugs. The first experimentation with LSI was begun in the early sixties, in the Height-Suburb section of San Francisco. The project was run by a joint CA-British intelligence task force under the code-name MS- Ultra. Part of the project called for the free distribution of 5,000 tablets of LSI through a Commune known as Ken Keys Merry pranksters. Elses after- effects were then closely studied (Papua 9). It IS nearly impossible to generalize about rock and roll. There are no absolutes to this music as to anything in life, it also has both sides.There is no denying that rock music is a reflection f deep human sensitivity, elevated poetry, valid social criticism, inspired performing, and expert musicianship (Callaghan 2). These are all things that any music loving person could hardly argue with. Rock and roll music has also played a role in desegregation by creating a new form of music that made whites and blacks share and cooperate in the same field. John Lennox and Yoke Non were both vocal in their antiwar sentiment expressed in their music and public statements. Many rock musicians have addressed social issues with protest songs about the Vietnam War by Woody Guthrie and Bob Dylan.The environment issue has also been part of the rock and roll list of worries. Marring Ayes Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology) addresses radiation in the ground and in the sky, oil spills on oceans, and the poisons in the air. Rock and roll as social activism reached a milestone in the Live Aid concerts. The charity event which became the largest musical concert in history with performers on two main stages, one in London, England and the other in Philadelphia, USA was televised worldwide and raised millions of dollars for famine relief in Africa. These are some of the beneficial actions that rock and roll has done.As with all things in life where there is good, there is bad and where there is bad, there is evil and where there is evil there is Satan. There is no way that rock and roll could undo all the harm it has caused to the world with its evilness and sinister messages, so no matter how many charitable activities they support or how many social issues they address, it still does not cover for all the harm it has caused society with its chaotic and aggressive f orces. Rock music has too many suicides, killings, rapes, violence and rebellious acts to be held accountable for. It is contradicting that rock bands re singing about saving birds and ending wars when they are seducing teenagers into a world of drugs, lust, Satan worshipping and violent life that many time leads them to either suicide, harm others or commit horrible murders. Rock and roll music is the epiphany of evil and its catastrophic effects may be seen all over the world. Rock music is as evil as the lyrics its own songs portray. This music has brought sorrow, distress and calamity throughout time and generations. Sadly, it is being embraced every day more and more.The reason for this is that most rock music is not intellectual or parietal music; it is meant to connect directly with the most base and low levels of the unconscious mind. It also does not deny any excess to the soul and mind but rather preaches and practices immediate gratification and excitement here and now (Callaghan 3). Rock and roll is one of the main and strongest tool that Satan utilizes to control the mind, become the owner of the soul, and master the spirit of a human being. Some readers might be familiar with the statement Battle John Lennox made to the International press back in 1966 which said, Christianity will go.
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